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World Elephant Foundation | Save the starving Elephants

The WEF is trying to build an Elephant Refuge in Surin, and support the Elephant owners to be able to get the Elephants roam for free in a new sanctuary.

Contrary to the rest of the country, this area in Surin province has no jungle where they can lead their elephants to feed. The only way is food they buy from farmers far away. But now, there is no money left and the elephants have no food. More information on this page, please help us save these elephants.


Our elephants in need

Our vision is a world where animals live free from suffering - together we can move the world for animals

You Can Make A Difference

Help our Elephants in Asia by making a donation for food, medical treatments or help in building our new habitat.
Join Team
If you would like to cooperate and work with Elephants on a voluntary basis contact us for our programs. Currently still available if you live in Thailand.
Give Monthly
By giving a monthly donation for one year you become a caretaker, this means you adopted an Elephant. Contact us for more information.
Elephants in trouble
Elephants saved
3500US $
Surgeries Performed

Elephant news from around the world

More Ways You Can Help

Buy land to grow crops

Food security for the future

Unchain the Elephants

A coral for the Elephants

The Elephant Doctor

For a safer world for the Elephants

Campaign With Us

For a safer world for animal